Research Areas
- Static, Dynamic and Thermodynamic Properties of Polymeric Materials (polymer blends, homopolymers, copolymers, hyperbranched polymers, complexes)
- Self-Assembly Phenomena in Polymer Ssystems (Self-Organization, Complexation etc)
- Polymer-Based Composite Materials
- Drug and Gene Delivery Based on Polymeric Nanocarriers
Computational Techniques |
Experimental Techniques |
Recent Research Projects
PENED 2003 (No. 03ED716), Greek General Secretariat for Reasearch and Technology(25%), and European Union(75%) “Study of polyelectrolytic solutions of dendrimers and hyperbranched polymers ,as solubility enhancement agents and as vehicles for drug delivery and controlled/release purposes ” 2005-2008 Budget: 198000 € (Scientific coordinator)
“Colloidal Systems in Non-Ergodic States” (COSINES) 2006-2010 (ToK Marie Curie Grant) , (member of the extrenal collaborators' team) Coordinator : FORTH
“Biomedical Applications of Dendrimers” TD0802 2009-2013 (ESF Grant, Member of the Management Committee, Greek representative)
“High performance nanocomposite materials: Reinforcement of polymers with advanced carbon and silica nanostructures ” THALIS (ESPA 2012-2015, member of a collaborative team, funded by EU and GSRT) (Member of the research team), Coordinator: Chemistry Dept. AUTH
“Nanogels in regenerative medicine: towards minimally invasive applications in tissue engineering” Latsis Foundation, 2013-2014 (Member of the research team)
PhD Students
1. G. Dalakoglou (Chemical Engineer), Chemical Engineering Dept., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
(Principal Advisor, PhD Awarded, 2009)
2. I. Tanis (Physicist), Chemical Engineering Dept., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
(Principal Advisor, PhD Awarded, 2009)
3. S. Fotiadou (Physicist), Chemical Engineering Dept., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
(Principal Advisor, with Prof. S. H. Anastasiadis, PhD Awarded 2012)
4. A. Kakkalis (Chemical Engineer), Chemical Engineering Dept., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
(Co-advisor, PhD Awarded, 2015)
5. V. Floros (Chemical Engineer), Chemical Engineering Dept., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
MSc Students
1. M. Krystallis (Principal advisor, MSc Awarded, 2009)Graduate student who attented the interdepartmental graduate course "Nanotechnology and Nanosciences",
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
2. D. Tragoudaras (Co-advisor, MSc Awarded, 2009)
Graduate student who attented the interdepartmental graduate course "Technology and processes in Advanced Materials", Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
3. P. Arsenidis (Principal advisor, MSc Awarded 2015)
Graduate student who attended the interdepartmental graduate course "Nanotechnology and Nanosciences", Aristotle University of Thessaloniki